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School Counselor: 
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
Classroom Guidance
Parent Education

TOPIC: Should I consult with the school counselor about my child?

The answer is yes! If you have a concern, it is best to address it right away. Moms and dads are great at knowing what their child needs. If it concerns you, you should bring it up. It may be normal development, and then you can be reassured. It may be a small issue, and it can be dealt with easily. It may be the start of a bigger problem, and you can get started on resolving it right away.

Many parents hesitate to consult with the school counselor because of a worry or fear that their child will be labeled, their child will be placed under a microscope, they may be told to go to counseling, their privacy will be violated, they are being judged, they are unsure they can trust, they do not think there is anything wrong with their child, or they are afraid to deal with realities.

I want to reassure you that consulting with me is highly confidential, without judgment, and with the intent of making things better and happier for your child. Our meeting or speaking on the phone, can be an opportunity to receive thoughts on options for your consideration, a chance to plan what is best for your child, or a good pat on the back for doing the right thing. Let's get is all for good!